
Hello, we love reading your sweet personal notes. You can reach us directly through the form below, but first here are answers to some common questions:

I have a question about a recipe.
We kindly ask that you leave a comment on the post of the original recipe. Due to the volume of messages we receive, your question will get answered quicker that way.

Can I use your photos and/or recipe on my blog?
We kindly ask that you do not re-publish our recipes, but if you are a media outlet, you are welcome to use one photo along with a clear link back to the recipe on You may post an image on Instagram only if you include @loveandlemons in the top line of your caption.

Where can I find recipe nutrition facts?
I’m sorry but we don’t post nutrition facts. It’s easy to use an online ingredient calculator like the one on My Fitness Pal.

What camera do you use?
Our camera equipment is all listed here.

How can I subscribe?
Click here to join our our email newsletter. Our best & newest recipes (and no spam!) will go straight to your inbox, and you’ll also receive our 5 step guide to delicious vegetarian eating.

Where do I send my cooking club submission?
Send entries to this email address before the last day of each month: [email protected]

See answers to additional questions here.

Work with Us

We occasionally partner with brands who are a great fit to our food and vegetable-focussed content. If you’re interested in a dedicated blog post or social media partnership, use the contact form below and select “sponsorship.”

To sponsor our email newsletter, click here for more info.

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    A food blog with fresh, zesty recipes.
    Photograph of Jeanine Donofrio and Jack Mathews in their kitchen

    Hello, we're Jeanine and Jack.

    We love to eat, travel, cook, and eat some more! We create & photograph vegetarian recipes from our home in Chicago, while our shiba pups eat the kale stems that fall on the kitchen floor.